May 7, 2003
Heyyyy! I am in NYC for rehearsals right now with my tutor and we just finished up working on some history. I have a break soon and then i'm off to some longggg dance rehearsals (but they're fun...) I've been so tired at night, i just literally go home, watch tv, eat dinner, talk on the phone, and crash.. right to bed :) .... it's nice, and i was so happy yesterday i came home and got this purse that i ordered and it's super cute!!! But i gotta run, cuz i have to finish up some other things before i go... xoxoxoxox L
2003.,Mjus 7
Heyyy!New Yorkban vagyok prbn az oktatmmal,s most vgznk a munkval,ami mr szinte trtnelem...Hamarosan eladom a nagyon hosz tncomat(ami nagyon vicces...)Nagyon radt leszek estre...Hazamegyek,tv-t nzek,vacsorzok,telefonon dumcsizok s alszok(most knyelmesebb lesz az gyam:) )...Tegnap nagyon boldog voltam,agyafrtan,vigyzva a pnztrcmra bevsroltam!!!De most rohanok,de hamarosan vgzek,s akkor jvk! xoxoxo L |