May 5, 2003
Hey everyoneeeeeeeeeeeee!! Watttup? I just wanna appologize for not writing in so long :( i feel bad... i just recently got back from LA.. where i had photo shoots, did the cover of Popstar, Vanity Fair cover, and some other magazines, Movieline, Allure, and Teen People.. go get em!!! You can see the Freaky Friday trailer on the site, how cooL!? Haha, i went to SNL (Saturday Night Live) the other night and went to the after party and got to chill with Ashton and Britney Spears was in the VIP room with my publiscist and i, and i didn't recognize her at all with the dark hair til she was talking, so weird haha... but it was super fun! I started dance rehearsals for Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen today, the dancing in this movie is AMAZING!!!!! Our choreographer did all of the Austin Powers movies, and the Boys Remix in the most recent Austin Powers movie for Britney Spears, and she's awesome!!!!.. i'll try and write more, but GO SEE FREAKY FRIDAY WHEN IT COMES OUTTTT!!! xoxoxoxoxox.. L
2003.,Mjus 5
H mindenki!
Mizu?Nagyon sajnlom,hogy hossz ideig nem rtam :( Rosszul rzem magam...Most ppen Los Angelesben vagyok.Szmtalan fotzson voltam az elmlt idben...Popstar magazin,Vanity Fair magazin, s mg tbb lapban is megjelentem...Movieline,Allure,s a Teen People.Lttad,mennyire klassz a "Nem frek a brdbe" siteja?Haha,s voltam az SNL(Saturday Night Live)ben,ahol a VIP szobban tallkoztam Ashtonnel,s Britney Spearsel,s beszltem is velk,hahaha!Nagyon szuper volt!Elkezdtem az "Egy hisztrika feljegyzsei" cim film tnc koreogrfijt megtanulni,de nagyon bonyollt!Ez volt a koreogrfia az Austin Powersben,s Britney Spears "Boys" Remix dalban is.Britney igazn klnleges!Prblok majd tbbet rni,de addig is MENJETEK S NZZETEK MEG A "NEM FREK A BRDBE"-T!!! xoxo L |